Currency Converter
Exchange calculator
Exchange rate 1 NPR
Service charges
Exchange rate 1 NPR = 1.0970 JPY
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1 JPY - 50000 JPY = 500 JPY
50001 JPY - 200000 JPY = 1000 JPY
200001 JPY - 1000000 JPY = 1500 JPY
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Our Services
Transfer fund to your account held with any Bank, Development Banks, Co-operatives in Nepal within minutes.EASE OF ACCESS
Receive money anywhere in NepalREAL TIME BANK TRANSFER
Transfer money to your bank account on a real time basis. Your money is available in your account in the blink of an eye.CASH PICKUP
No bank account, No worries ! Collect you payment anywhere in Nepal from our Nation wide agent locationsSMS NOTIFICATION
Receive an SMS alert once the payment has been received by your beneficiarySECURE
We use the State of the Art Technology to transfer your money to your loved ones, so be assured thet your money is in safe handsabout us
Spreading Smiles. Bringing Joy & Happiness For The Ones We Care.
We at Namaste Remit, intend to provide fast, reliable and more value to the customers in the remittance sector. We make it easy for you to send your hard earned money to your dear and loved ones with convenience, fast and in a secured way, so that your family and friends are not left behind in their daily lives.